I have more than enough time this weekend, which became a three day weekend when Grandma woke up with a seizure Thursday morning. My mother lately seems to be on the edge of a nervous breakdown, and given the last year she can hardly be blamed, so I stepped up and stayed home. Poor Grandma had four seizures by the end of the day and is right now sitting in the recliner (where she has been since after the first attack when she actually seemed to recover quickly) talking to people only she can see. I am hoping that she will be a little closer to recovery tomorrow, at least enough that she knows where she is and can walk (with our help) to the bathroom.
Anyway, I stayed up for 24 hours straight yesterday and it wasn't a complete sit around wasting time or dozing day. I crocheted. I am working on a teddy bear for Mother's day, but at one point I decided I wanted to make something quick and gratifying. Most of my projects have been large and slow to make since my hands don't let me crochet for long periods of time with out stopping often. So I made Harley.

Harley is the last bit of one ball of yarn and a furry yarn for hair. I think he's cute and I love the hair. He started out round on the bottom but is actually four sided (hence his cone head look). I needed a little instant gratification this weekend.
I am also playing with my digital camera. It's not a very good one, but I am trying to get it to take good pictures, at least until I can afford something better. My phone takes good ones, but they don't do well at a larger size. Here's what I've managed, I think they are good.

This is a picture from my Mom's eight foot rosebush. Its a little out of focus, but I think that is because of the breeze that day.

The Hydrangeas will be blooming soon and here is the proof. Ours blooms somewhere between green and lavender, although last year there seemed to be more purple.
I had one other picutre, but it didn't quite turn out the way I wanted. The wind moved the branches and I lost the image I really wanted, which was of the flowers framed by other flowers. I don't know if that makes sense, but it didn't work this time. I can try again now that I've cleared the pictures from my camera (no memory card).
Well, I guess that's it for now. I am hoping Grandma will go to sleep soon, but she says ahe's not tired and I suspect she'll start trying to get up out the chair. Maybe I'll sleep tonight. Wish me luck.
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